Quote Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
So far this year I have 246 hours of blackjack table play. Add to that driving time of almost six hours round trip plus time for packing and unpacking plus time devoted to hotel check in and check out. Longer trips can involve almost the whole day. I have played blackjack in every month of this year except for Jan. A lot of time is spent on various blackjack forums.

I have not reached my goal for this year yet, but I'm less than $700 away. I have yet to have a 4 figure loss for this year so "I'm due." It does seem like I have a whopper of a loss at least once a year especially now since I won the last 5 times I played. It seems like the longer I win the harder I will fall. Also deer hunting season will soon be here and then I will be faced with crowded conditions again, not good.

I don't know if I will be able to get anymore blackjack in this year. So much depends on the weather. I don't like driving in snow anymore.
The law of large numbers does not suggest that winning 5 in a row makes you due for a loss. It simply says that your results will get closer to expectation the larger the data pool becomes - or simply stop the current cycle staying a winner, and starting a new cycle which is actually non sensical.

I average lunch about 1x per month with an AP friend, who will likely see this post. At the end of lunch, we flip a coin, and the loser buys. It has been my good fortune to have probably won 9x out of the last 10 lunches. It would be delightful if this trend were to continue, however, the reasoning in the paragraph above will tend to even out the results over an extended period of time. Maybe it’s time to go Dutch