Quote Originally Posted by Three View Post
After checking into a room under your name that they are familiar with, why do you think they wouldn't be actively looking for you in the casino? They may even track your movements after you leave your room. Just a look at you when you leave the room would be enough to easily spot you in the casino by your clothing and bling, etc.
I am not that paranoid that I believe someone will jump up when they see me check in, assign someone to monitor me as I walk to my room, keep an eye on my door, follow me as I walk to elevator, take it to casino floor, wait in line at Starbucks, take my drink, follow me to a table and then back me off, take away my comps. That's a lot of resources.

I n most cases, I do the above, walk down sans my toupee and thick eye glasses, play rated for an hour using cover. Then, I go off to other casinos. On that same shift, I play rated. On other shifts, I play with toupee and anonymously, in other casinos, I may used a players card if heat is bothersome or pull out my card if I am losing or planning to leave with small win.

I don't come to Lax Vegas often enough to be remembered.