Quote Originally Posted by ferenc11 View Post
Hi Girls and Boys!

This video that I am about to post below just came across my way today on another Blackjack site.
On this particular site I got engaged in a conversation of the creator of this video and also the inventor of this magnificent system.
He seriously claims that he has a winning game playing online blackjack.
When I made a joke about 'I wonder what D.Schlesinger would comment on this If he watched your video." His reply was "Anybody can say he is a BJ PRO.."
In addition he went further by stating that He could not find any kind of proof or YouTube video regarding Blackjack Attack. (I tried to protect the book)
Besides which made me laugh utterly of the fact that he had no idea about the book and its author.

Here is the winning formula:


I apologize in advance but this guy must be out of his mind...or maybe He knows something we don't know...#sarcasm

P.S I am extremely sorry Mr.Schlesinger for bringing up your name in this light debate but I thought It was absolutely necessary to shed some light on the book of yours and its knowledge regarding blackjack to this amateur...

Any thoughts and jokes?

All the best

Still input all used cards manually ? LOL . . .

We here use bot program to eliminate the used cards and use perfect strategy(combinatorial analysis) to play online BJ games since 5 years ago . . .ALL 100% automatically !