Quote Originally Posted by Halbruno View Post
Paymypush what you say is true! I walked around MS recently disappointed. I asked a dealer why the rules were changed and he said that he just does what they tell him to do. They didn't meet with the dealers and give an explanation. The $10 6:5 games are now officially one of the worst games in Connecticut. I think the $1 game with ante plus CSM at Foxwoods tops it in that category! The penetration at the 6:5 pit was two decks cut off. I checked other pits and the best I saw was 1 1/2 cut which gave me hope! Then I saw a dealer, a new guy, cut the decks using the notch on the side of the shoe. If that is what he was taught recently, then that is what is officially expected.

I got a kick out of watching an older lady clap for joy when she got a blackjack and the dealer paid her the 6:5. lol It didn't matter to her.

I discovered that there still is an oasis of 6D for the average player. The weekend pit in the wind casino has not been converted. So, nothing has changed there. The old rules still apply at least for now.
Talk is that the tables in the Casino of the Wind will be 6:5. They haven't re felted them yet but they are not opening them either. At least not this morning which has always been the norm for a Saturday. Did you notice that the blackjack tables by the poker room have been removed? They were the Duo Blackjack and Diva tables.

The 10 6:5 tables in use now are getting a lot of play. All the players can see is the $10 minimums. The pit by the Bow and Arrow sports bar is now 6:5. That's 10 more bringing the total to 20 and counting.

Don's post sums it up perfectly. They do it because they can. And the sheep stand in line to be shorn. You can bet that all the changes will be in place before the Barrett-Jackson car auction which begins on June 20th. Massive crowds are expected.