Quote Originally Posted by ummagumma View Post
"Pretty lofty thread title for a player who himself stated that he averaged 30k a year in winnings from the casino isn't it?
30k is a nice solid part-time income. Please explain how that makes you a myth and/or legend?"
ummagumma. You are living up to your name by purposely ignoring my reality.
Earning a bit over 30K NET for a handicapped fellow who is in and out of hospital
and has WON impressive money before those 30K years. Many of my AP friends
have been to my country manse, purchased for cash, entirely with one year's
BJ winnings of > $250,000 in one glorious year. To put the cherry on top of this
sundae - 30K in how many hours is the only relevant question.

The Myth/Legend is a humorous reference to a COMEDIC movie. It is self-mockery.

However, if you are as limited as a Tea Party bible-slapper and take everything literally,

you are beyond hope. The "legendary" moniker refers to an interesting trip to play BJ at

"nosebleed stakes" at London's Private Casinos with a very famous, very wealthy professional

poker player, that many of us have watched on TV, taking me to London, after other Pros had

informed him that I was the "go-to guy" to be his quarterback, as I am an altruistic sort who

enjoys teaching and mentoring serious players and would accept only having my expenses
