Quote Originally Posted by Three View Post
Thanks Jack. I thought an adjustment of two would be right (since +1 is the right tag for the decision and the A is counted as -1) but I wasn't sure. After thinking about it you should ignore the dealer's ace. The dealer always has an ace when the insurance decision's index was being generated so the dealer's ace is included in the insurance index. That said, the 2 aces you have in your hands still pushes the TC for the insurance index over the index so taking insurance was the EV maximizing play.
As I posted previously, I think all aces seen should be ignored. However if ignoring the dealer ace is built into insurance consideration for pure Hi-Lo players, then where I play DD you should insure the first hand and not the second hand because you are not allowed to look at the second hand until you make a decision on the first hand. I believe OP said he was playing heads up, so no other hands come into consideration.