Quote Originally Posted by Exoter175 View Post
Yikes, its logic like that right there, that makes me cringe.

Lets not confuse callous recklessness for "skillful" APing. Just because you like to play "above the radar", does not mean you're doing it "right".

Part of being a successful AP is being able to get away with what we can, without being caught, much less being noticed.

Playing my way, I've been 86'd from a single casino, and it wasn't for counting or even being an AP, and I promise you, I've made far more than you'll ever make, and I'll continue to do so by flying VERY low under that radar, and I don't mean this to brag.

I truly pity those that get his half cocked, harebrained idea that playing larger stakes with larger spreads to maximize their playing EV, is somehow worth more "long term" EV, despite the ridiculously disproportional increase to heat and player attention.

The "right" way to play, in my opinion, will always be that of a "longevity" play, which doesn't have to mean poor games with lower denoms. It simply means to put emphasis on player survival, like RoR and heat levels, before EV. If SCORE alone is determining the games you're playing, you WILL NOT LAST LONG as a counter. Simple as that. For some, that's okay, they only want to double a bankroll and hang their hat on that. For me, this is my job, my life, my livelihood, my well being. Obvious to some, I'm far more than just a card counter, but apparent to all, should be the fact that all AP plays can be handled more than one way, and as the old saying goes, you can Fleece a Sheep many times, but you can skin it only once.
+1000. I play rated at modest to low stakes and rated too! Folks just assume that conditions have not changed and the advice of 10-20 years is still valid.