Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
You missed the point. The game isn't fooling them it is allowing them to be comfortable allowing you to play. I don't play in Sweat Vegas. Where I play if they act against you you forced them to. Your bets and plays were too predictable. You played outside their tolerance level for win, time played, frequency of visits and/or bet spread/top bet. Why is everything predictable? Because everyone uses the same type of linear approach to using information gathered.

How do you not fall into these tolerance issues:
1) Win: Don't be greedy. Win small enough amounts that they don't have to worry about you. You will have some inevitable large wins and losses within one shoe but leave right after.

2) Time Played: Be conscious of how much you are giving yourself away when you play. Constantly changing bets or betting with the way the count changed for that round leaves little grey area for them to look the other way. You know if the previous round of cards removed would have a bet change in their eyes and in what direction. You know the cost of betting improperly. Choose to bet improperly when the cost is minimal. You can often opposition bet at very little cost. Be conscious of how runs are affecting you. If on a losing run you may consider lowering your bet. Perhaps you are losing because your count's advantage assessment is off. It is a deck composition where you bet and play poorly (likewise for winning runs but be careful to not over bet the advantage estimate by much). This looks natural to the pit. If going to 2 hands when you want to brings heat, do it when it looks stupid to do so based on the last round of cards removed. You know the moves that bring heat and can tailor play to at minimal cost make you look stupid. The more info you gather the more intelligent your apparently stupid moves can be. Anyway the point is how long you can play depends on how much you have spread and how stupid you make yourself look. Looking stupid with big bets out is more costly than looking stupid with little bets out generally speaking but you should understand the cost of the way you bet.

3) Frequency of visits: You don't want to play too often. The way you get away with not playing often or not playing for too long is you scout to know when you can get in lots of rounds (fast game) in a fraction of the time. I used to play to get in hours. The number of rounds played was pathetic and winning seemed tough. Then I started try to maximize game speed. I played a small fraction of the time and still got in more rounds. With proper scouting and self control you can get in more rounds in much less time and fewer visits.

4) Bet spread: By playing a stronger system you can spread less and win more. Also you can make your spread look smaller than it is. You can choose the frequency of bets made at various sizes to some degree by the way you wong. Spread is generally looked at as the off the top bet to max bet. That need not be your actual spread.

5) Think about the counter stereotype of what all counters do. Figure out how to not fit that stereotype at little or no cost. If no counter would do something you might want to consider doing it. Just do everything smart. Don't throw away much EV at all. Use the info gathered by your count to make moves that are in opposition to what they expect a counter to do when the cost is minimal or nothing. Of course the simpler your count the more useless your info gathered is for making smart decisions. Everything you do is exactly what they expect and info gathered is so weak to start with that it is of little to no use in making intelligent decisions in the manner I have described.
This is much better than they don't know what i am doing but i just win too often so they still back me off.