Quote Originally Posted by kosmic View Post
Hello everyone.

1. From my research, the True Edge method is not the best to use with Hi-Lo? Should I convert to the standard TC method in Wong's book and just learn the Illustrious 18?
2. Am I handicapping myself by going with Hi-Lo? Should I just switch back over to Zen and keep practicing? I've read Hi-Lo isn't that good for SD/DD and my concern is that I won't be able to play higher EV games with Hi-Lo.

For anyone who responds, I thank you in advance.
Hi Kosmic, welcome. It sounds like you're off to a great start.

1. Yes. True Edge bad. Standard TC good. We're all pretty unanimous on that one (thanks Norm!). Sure, just learn the I18 to get you going. After you get going, consider learning more, to me they're like free money and the improvement is measurable. Why only learn 18? But don't worry about it now.

2. Not really. HiLo is good enough for SD/DD, just not theoretically fantastic. You already consider Zen to be a roadblock, strong enough that you once quit out of frustration. You seem positive about HiLo, and HiLo is the industry standard. Learn it, go kick ass, then 6-36 months from now, let Tthree and I try to convince you to upgrade, and let others try to dissuade you from it.