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Thread: Is 100 max bets enough?

  1. #40
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    Funny how people only see my 'arrogance' and argumentative nature, but no sees the ignorance that comes before it from all you posters. Yes, IGNORANCE, all I have done is post facts after facts in all my arguments, but because it's out of the norm people reply on stereotypes and lack of understanding of the subject and rely on the popular opinion. If you guys want to be ignorant, ill be arrogant. Look at yourselves first before you start critiquing me. I only get arrogant when people want to be ignorant and ignore everythign I said and ignore it with no facts to support your argument whatsoever. But it's clear from reading on this forum, that people think they are smarter than they actually are.

  2. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjarg View Post
    I have zero respect for ZenKing, but I'm quite sure you still have a long way to go before you can tell anybody how to do things.
    Talk about visions of grandeur.
    Thanks, I have zero respect for you too. Your point? What have you accomplished? Means nothing

  3. #42

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    Cut it out man... its getting really old.

  4. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Thanks, I have zero respect for you too. Your point? What have you accomplished? Means nothing
    Bjarg has earned the respect of the community and is an expert in some of the specialties that are hardest to find people that have the knowledge. Some of the best have taken the time to mentor him in areas that few could be a mentor. They do this because they see an intelligent and teachable person that has unlimited potential. If you aspire to have a similar cultivation of your ability far beyond anything you could hope for on your own you might want to start to project yourself as such a person. I think you have done so much damage to the way people perceive you that the ship may have already sailed on that.

    You said once that you don't need anyone because everything to learn in BJ is in print for everyone to learn. You will only become a fraction of your potential with that plan and you will never be able to get the largest edges. You see what you think of other people really has no affect on your BJ future. What other people think of you will affect your BJ future. I am guessing that you just can't understand that. Perhaps when you lose the impetuous nature of your youth.

  5. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
    Bjarg has earned the respect of the community and is an expert in some of the specialties that are hardest to find people that have the knowledge. Some of the best have taken the time to mentor him in areas that few could be a mentor. They do this because they see an intelligent and teachable person that has unlimited potential. If you aspire to have a similar cultivation of your ability far beyond anything you could hope for on your own you might want to start to project yourself as such a person. I think you have done so much damage to the way people perceive you that the ship may have already sailed on that.

    You said once that you don't need anyone because everything to learn in BJ is in print for everyone to learn. You will only become a fraction of your potential with that plan and you will never be able to get the largest edges. You see what you think of other people really has no affect on your BJ future. What other people think of you will affect your BJ future. I am guessing that you just can't understand that. Perhaps when you lose the impetuous nature of your youth.
    It's a shame becuase all my arrogance and 'know-it-all' came from ignorance shown on all your behalfs; everyone attacked me first and i defended myself, but it's obvious you guys cant see that. Once again another user, this time bjarg comes out of no where and says he has no respect for me, ok thats nice, good for him, no one sees these misguided attacks, but only what i write in response to a misguided attack is in fact remembered. Why am I even getting attacked? Too many facts against popular opinion and therefore im a troll? From what I remember, I have posted all factual information to back up my arguments, maybe if you guys did the same, there wouldn't be arguments, that's what ticks me off, because everything I have said up to this point haven't been proven mistrue, but you guys just 'claim' it's trolling and untrue without any factual information

    A fraction of my potential is all I need from blackjack, I know what I can make from counting, I have my plan of attack and im satisfied with that income to what I want to do with my life. Whether people want to be with me or not, it isn't going to stop me from accomplishing my plan of attack. It's just too bad some of you couldn't realize how all this so called 'respect' lost for me was in fact due to all your personal attacks and unwarranted provcations when all I stated was an unpopular opinion from the norm with many facts to support my opinions. But to each their own.

    Im still waiting for any facts that made me lose credibility. Please quote me on all the replies I have made these past two months, I want to just laugh at what you guys think is losing credibility. Is it the constant factual information I have provided about fasting? Or is it the constant factual information I have mentioned about my stock that is up 200% YTD, and 500% for people who got in even earlier. Pump and dump? Yea ok, pump and dumps dont consolidate with 500% gains over two years, but maybe providing facts consists of being a troll these days. The ignorance you guys have showed about my stock has a way higher chance of you guys regretting it than me and i hope to god you guys regret not buying for all the unwarranted bs I had to endure about it. Not once were we able to have a conversation about what was actually happening at the company, but rather talk about how much you guys know or what I shouldve done or how the market always reacts based on historical data of how penny stocks 'in general' react. So sad, just know the odds are heavily against you in you guys regretting not buying up the stock, and ill be sure to rub it in your faces when the time comes.

    Also, please post any blackjack related information I have said that made me lose credibility in the past months, cant wait to see it. Let me know if you ever find it because from what I remember everything I posted are either sarcastic humor to add some fun to this dead forum or factual information on every topic I have mentioned. But because you guys don't agree with my opinion, you then reverse the argument and call me a troll, funny how that works. Watch out guys, opinions are now trolling, let alone opinions with FACTS. LOL

    So with all this being said, my credibility has been lost because of what? Obviously not from the information I provided. So you're saying credibility was lost through replying angrily to trolls such as Exoter who not only provoked me but rattled me on bringing up the subjects in other threads? WOW, nice forum we got here. ATTENTION all newcomers, the way to gain credibility is to be nice to everyone and reply nicely to everyone who disagrees with you!
    Last edited by ZenKinG; 08-12-2014 at 07:35 PM.

  6. #45
    Last edited by counter19; 08-12-2014 at 07:29 PM.

  7. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Once again bjarg comes out of no where and says he has no respect for me, ok thats nice, good for him, no one sees that attack, but only what i write in response to a misguided attack is in fact remembered.
    Nobody sees that attack because it is the respect you have earned for yourself not an attack. Perhaps if there were some that disagreed they would see it as an attack. Everyone else sees it as you like to say a statement of fact. You have totally undermined your own credibility by your own posts. Then you arrogantly continue to post how you are right for posting the tripe that caused your credibility to be lost. You obviously see no benefit from what anyone else has to offer you so I doubt you will find many willing to help you anymore. Even the posts that try to protect the newbies from all your misconceptions may stop.

    Kj tried to give you a second chance and I tried repeatedly giving you advice on how to make the most of the forum but you just keep up the same stuff more worried about defending yourself than learning anything. More worried about pissing people off than developing networks with other APs. You seem too impetuous to turn around the momentum that is going the wrong direction for you. If you want to learn anything sensitive networking with the experts is how you will do it. You don't think there is anything for you there. At this point you are probably right.

  8. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by counter19 View Post
    Which is the appropriate description here, or all of them?
    All of the above.

  9. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
    Nobody sees that attack because it is the respect you have earned for yourself not an attack. Perhaps if there were some that disagreed they would see it as an attack. Everyone else sees it as you like to say a statement of fact. You have totally undermined your own credibility by your own posts. Then you arrogantly continue to post how you are right for posting the tripe that caused your credibility to be lost. You obviously see no benefit from what anyone else has to offer you so I doubt you will find many willing to help you anymore. Even the posts that try to protect the newbies from all your misconceptions may stop.

    Kj tried to give you a second chance and I tried repeatedly giving you advice on how to make the most of the forum but you just keep up the same stuff more worried about defending yourself than learning anything. More worried about pissing people off than developing networks with other APs. You seem too impetuous to turn around the momentum that is going the wrong direction for you. If you want to learn anything sensitive networking with the experts is how you will do it. You don't think there is anything for you there. At this point you are probably right.
    Still waiting on any posts that I have made that lost credibility. You won't find any, I guess you lose credibility now on defending yourself with constant facts towards some provoking you constantly with misinformation. That must be the new way of gaining/losing credibility.

    By the way ill be sure to update all of you guys on my success as a blackjack AP in the future. Cant wait to see me losing my whole roll. Just like my doctor said my organs would fail if I keep fasting. LOL, can't wait to see my organs fail miserably, glad I did my own DD
    Last edited by ZenKinG; 08-13-2014 at 05:48 AM.

  10. #49
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    When one has dug himself into a hole, he should stop digging.

  11. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Still waiting on any posts that I have made that lost credibility.
    Everyone already knows the posts because that is how you lost credibility in their eyes to begin with. You will just defend them rather than admit you were wrong so what is the point of pointing them out for your benefit. There is no group think. People evaluate everyone by their posts. They may respectfully disagree with a post or think it is a stupid post. The latter losses credibility the former just means you are in different camps on a subject.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    By the way ill be sure to update all of you guys on my success as a blackjack AP in the future. Cant wait to see me losing my whole roll. Just like my doctor said my organs would fail if I keep fasting. LOL, can't wait to see my organs fail miserably, glad I did my own DD
    I don't think anyone wishes you bad fortune. They just know you are wrong about many things and you are too unteachable to learn that. Unfortunately people like you either stay ignorant or learn things the hard way. It really sucks to learn everything the hard way and it really, really sucks to learn that way if you are a slow learner. Many lessons may be required and each one sucks. Good luck ZK, you are gong to need it.

  12. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
    Everyone already knows the posts because that is how you lost credibility in their eyes to begin with. You will just defend them rather than admit you were wrong so what is the point of pointing them out for your benefit. There is no group think. People evaluate everyone by their posts. They may respectfully disagree with a post or think it is a stupid post. The latter losses credibility the former just means you are in different camps on a subject.

    I don't think anyone wishes you bad fortune. They just know you are wrong about many things and you are too unteachable to learn that. Unfortunately people like you either stay ignorant or learn things the hard way. It really sucks to learn everything the hard way and it really, really sucks to learn that way if you are a slow learner. Many lessons may be required and each one sucks. Good luck ZK, you are gong to need it.
    Yup my stock and fasting is gonna be a hard lesson to learn LOL. Just understand the chances of my stock succeeding are a lot higher than it failing but you guys lean on the fail side with no facts to support it. I also am confident all of you are or will be overweight in your 30s, 40s, and 50s, because with the standard American diet, once you stop exercising, say goodbye to your health. Almost no one is able to exercise moderately forever and will have droughts in between and fail miserably and just give up.

    Funny you call me ignorant with no facts to counter my arguments on all subjects. The way i see it you guys are the ignorant ones as I have mentioned many times before and your credibility is now questioned as well. How can you call other people trolls and ignorant when all I have done is pose an opinion backed by facts and you guys countered my opinion with no facts to dislute my original argument? Now that's hilarious lol. Still waiting on a controlled study of breakfast being important and late night eating contributing to weight gain and intermittent fasting being bad for you long term. The problem with you guys is, ok you don't agree, but if you don't agree at least present facts as to why I'm wrong, don't just say I'm wrong without any evidence, leave it as is.
    Last edited by ZenKinG; 08-13-2014 at 10:48 AM.

  13. #52
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Another thread destroyed.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

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