Quote Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
I started using that tag line when I was an assistant professor of mathematics at Ohio University in about 1987 (I think that's about when we started using email). The department was systemically corrupt and I wanted to call it out, while also expressing futility. For example, in my first year I caught the senior professor in my area -- who was instrumental in getting me hired there -- cheating on behalf of one of his Ph.D. students by feeding his student the questions ahead of time that were on the written preliminary exam. I called out one thing after another for 15 years until they bought out my tenure in 1998. Fortunately that got me to UC Santa Barbara.

The tag line just stuck -- it seems just as appropriate in the context of casinos and the AP world as it did long ago in that pathetic department.
Pretty damning comments. Some might accuse you, among other things, of being a conspiracy theorist. On the other hand, others might applaud your pessimistic comments, of which I am one. I would enthusiastically add that the gauntlet applies virtually to every corporation, public and private organization in the world.

I’ve made a pretty decent living, among other things, of being an untrusting pessimist towards corporate doublespeak, and being able to dissect The bullshit into the shit stained truth - such is the way of corporate ethics. In doing so, I felt It more useful to deal with the immediate bullshit issues, rather than delay said message through endless proof reads.