Quote Originally Posted by Three View Post
Exactly. You have to be able to act on the information to make it valuable. In the case you site you get to act on first card information. If you could just play those first card T and aces that would have value. But the way the game is played first card T is just a half of a hand total that you might have a good feeling about. There is no way to use the information to your advantage. In other words, with no way to make use of the information, it is a meaningless piece of partial information on your hand. Given a way to act on it that information has value. With no decision to act on it is a meaningless piece of partial information until you find out what your other card is. I don't understand why AP's would have such a problem with the concept of how information becomes of value to you when playing. Since you can take no action with the information until after you get your second card it is inconsequential. Your decision will be based on the 2 card total and the dealers up-card not what you first card was.