Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
This is the point you don't seem to get that has everyone else pulling their hair out. Nobody coerced anyone. He has already decided to sell his hand for half price. That is what surrender is in case you haven't realized that. You just become the buyer instead of the casino. That is the deal made and understood clearly by all parties involved. If he doesn't want to do it he sells it to the casino for the same price. That is what surrender is. You coerce him into nothing. You simply ask him if he doesn't mind if you buy it for the already agreed up price instead of the casino. Only the most unreasonable person or someone concerned about heat generation wouldn't do it. Only a supreme lowlife would change the deal after the hand wins. HE WOULD THEN BE THE ON NOT COERCING BUT FORCING A CHANGE IN THE ONLY DEAL HE WANTED A PART OF FROM THE TIME THE HAND IS DEALT. I am not sure if you are TROLLING or just can't grasp the concept that he simply willingly sold his hand for the price he wanted to a different party. If you ever see someone reneg on a deal with another player at the table everyone that witnesses it sees it as the biggest lowlife move out there and people will mention what you did to others every time you play at the same table for months and months. People will view you with the worst form of contempt. This is why some casinos won't allow scavenger plays.
What I am saying is that none of the casinos I play at would allow this, and I don't know anyone who would allow themselves to be taken advantage of in this fashion more than once. If you want to buy my surrender, have at it, but you're going to have to split the proceeds with me if we win.