Quote Originally Posted by ZeeBabar View Post
I don't buy it. What percentage of Americans go to Macau for gambling? It's local casinos in the USA that keep gamblers home. People used to go to Vegas for gambling, now they stay near home.
Agreed! I said "competition" and many times on other posts have said it's all the new local casinos that have hurt Vegas. But we shouldn't lose site of the fact that Vegas used to be a worldwide destination for big gamblers, specifically asians. These gamblers are now going to Macaw. Macaw has definitely had a huge impact on Vegas profits. I've read many articles discussing this. Most wouldn't disputed this point.

It's a combination of the proliferation of new casinos (locally and worldwide) that has hurt Vegas. This is why Vegas has done an incredible job reinventing itseft to keeep relevant. They are still relevant in a highly competitive landscape. This is probably due to good management.