Quote Originally Posted by hitA7 View Post
Pro? No way in hell...stay on a 2,6?...also, I forgot to mention another play. He had a stack of black half way in the circle and put out a second stack on the next betting circle. The dealer dealt to the first circle, a FACE card (which had the chips a half way in the circle) and he yells "wait, stop!"...the dealer calls floor. Floor asks what's going on. And he says "I didn't mean to bet this spot, I accidentally pushed this stack half-way in the circle..." They let him pull back his bet. If anything else, that move alone proves this guy was absolutely clueless and a jerk.

Now Now,,we must be kinder and gentler and not refer to others as jerks, or even clueless, try to be more understanding please.

As to this player you speak of, how would you have felt had he won big, playing the same way??,,would you have thought you were maybe watching one of the greats, like JG, Bojack or Maz,,maybe even Tommy Hyland, or maybe if you were in VeGas, KJ himself!

You see, I have seen both sides of the coin, a number of times, and I never felt anger, just pure amazment, and never thought of the player as a jerk.

So please tell us your thoughts if it had went the other way, please.