Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
Moo, I have no choice. They are using my real name, hundreds of times, to post that I am a pedophile, terrorist partly responsible for 9/11, mass murderer, I defraud my customers, turn players into casinos, make money by hiding the “truth” about Ebola, and on and on. This is coming up on two years now. People use Google to look up prospective clients. I am the only person with my name in the country. Would you hire a pedophile? They are also personally harrassing me. Hacking my VBulletin account. Telling insane conspiracy nuts to contact me. Death threats. Three extortion attempts. Further, they are violating both my copyrights and trademark. Under the law, if you do not defend IP rights, you can lose them. One must do what one can to defend themselves and their family from evil. Frankly, I can't understand why anyone supports such an evil site by posting there.
I've had posters threaten to cut my head off and gay rape me. It's the internet. I don't see any point in reading it. Who the hell cares what people are saying? Unless you're planning to take action and you need to document it, I just don't see why you want to put yourself through the aggravation.