Quote Originally Posted by DSchles View Post
"Now tell me why doing the reverse doesnt apply in the same way."

Because the six decks of 52 cards each aren't four of each rank anymore! Surely you can understand the difference.


Yes i can. Its true that on any one occasion we have no idea what the composition will be but we do know that after a trillion shoes are played down to 1 deck the average composition of the final 52 cards will contain 4 cards of each rank.

Also i just used that example to make it more simple. The point is that for any given ratio of 10s and aces the frequency of getting dealt a blackjack will differ based on the number of cards/ decks. It doesnt need to be based on exactly 4 of each rank.

Take a 52 slug of cards and a 104 slug of cards out of the 6 decks. Now assume that in both slugs of cards there is the same % of 10 value cards and aces. According to your logic the chances of receiving a BJ should be identical but we both know they are not. And I would prefer to play the 52 card slug (even without knowing its composition)