Look, I am in OSN and they have a clear shot of me and my car. Yet, I still play rated at many places, still got comped in Las Vegas and MS. I think that its only if they get suspicious, they will check on you. as I have repeated often and gotten slammed for simply reporting it but I played exclusively rated for 2 years and then started mixing in playing rated and unrated the next two years. Since I have players cards from almost every chain, if I have a losing session, I often "find" my card and hand it in so they could record my losses.

At one MLife casino, I was told that they had "made a business decision" and I could only flat bet (I dont play any other game)and on my next visit there, at the same casino, I was comped a room. I played a few sessions there as well.

For me, playing rated has not caused me problems though I dont do it as often anymore.