Snarky, Because I’m a nice guy, I will give you some friendly advice in order for you to refrain sticking your foot up your ass again, as you are so prone to do. I mention this due to your incessant desire to go make me look bad, and your failing to do so due to your inability to decipher simple English.
When I mentioned issue in question being beatable with a simple 1-12 spread, the comment was clearly meant for the average player, with my spread indicated immediately thereafter.

Now, for the general populace, I say this as I visited the store in question for a second time today, after having previously graced the premise about 2 weeks ago, and was bid goodnight by name.

Today, I lasted about 15 minutes before 2 security goons approached me and asked me to step away from the table. Yes, I’m aware of standard protocols, but I also know my geographic area and know what I can get away with. I make them do it at the table. Now before getting into it, numbnuts to my left, still the third rate counter that he was years ago, and having aged badly, sat down next to me 5 minutes after I did. Numbnuts starts off with his cover bet of 2x10 off the top, immediately dropping to 1x5 after winning round 1 and an RC of 0, and of course, his ramping on the side bet depending on the degree of negativity (He’s half right on this one). I’m not sure, but don’t thing Numbnuts remembered me until I was approached. I simply bet $10 off the top, maintaining till -2 or 3. Among other things, didn’t feel like appearing as the Bobby Twins.

Numbnuts (first name) in the phone book as Peckerhead, initial N (possibly related to Snarky) a well established Hi Lo idiot (no offence to good hi lo players) has been permitted to play for years, as his patterns of stupidity are well established and appear impervious to improvement.

Now, for the goons, they were rude, one being especially so. There’s not a chance in the world that would dare touch me, (never heard of a physical back off around here) and thus, I felt more than justified (again, I refer to general protocols as well as the fact that I simply don’t give a shit) in telling the brawny lobotomized Neanderthal, to either mind his manners or shut up - and so, this dumb shit did as he was told, with the Head Neanderthal continuing his ridiculous dialogue.

Now, for those of you able to spatially determine from my initial post (concepts beyond Snarky’s comprehension), and believing it possible that certain legalities favour the house, I would advise in advance that they’re details not disclosed which clearly place the legal advantage to me.