Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
It is trivial to create a system that beats Hi-Opt II ASC. Just make it more complex. Your system, in my mind and the mind of others here, is more complex. And now, you'll repeast again. Boring.

It is far from trivial to add additional side counts and make sure that they fit in perfectly with other counts being used.

You made a statement once that EoR cannot be used with the KO which is a crazy statement which I showed not to be true. And Don Schlesinger made a statement the Weighted CC cannot be used to predict simulation results.

I showed both of you to have made incorrect statements.

I used EoR to develop my KO system which beat HO2 w ASC and it was NOT trivial to do!!

And I used weighted CC for PE and betting CC for BE to prediction simulation results and every prediction I made came true.

ETFAN is the true expert as far as I am concerned. He helped correct errors I made in my initial development of my Excel index generator program and he did not make mistakes. And you also discredited ETFAN, a true blackjack expert, who did not make the same mistakes that you and Don Schlesinger made. ETFAN is a true professional.

So both of you made mistakes that I corrected. And now you are also crying that adding and multiply small integers, first grade math, is to difficult for you.

I have shown that my analysis was correct, I have shown that both you and Don made mistakes.