> Of all the great work you have done in Blackjack, the
> article on camouflage for the basic strategist and the
> card counter was one of the best.

Thank you. It doesn't get as much "press" as some of the other, more well-known stuff, but I enjoyed doing it very much.

> I use it all the
> time. When you're a card counter you can't always play
> textbook card counting. I continually refer to the
> conditional and absolute penalty tables to mix up my
> play.

Glad you find the charts useful.

> In your book "Blackjack Attack" (I have all
> three editions)

The first one hasn't disintegrated yet? :-)

> you state that the Appendices to
> Wong's revised edition of Professional Blackjack
> provides the most accurate information in print on
> this topic.

The topic was the frequencies of the various holdings. Frequencies for initial, two-card hands are fairly common, but frequencies for the decision, where the total may be multi-card, are less frequent, and Wong supplies them.

> I reviewed the appendices in Wong's book,
> and it appears that his figures give only the
> conditional penalties.

Again, we're talking about the frequencies of the holdings, by which the conditional penalties are multiplied, to get the absolute penalties.

> I'm primarily interested in the
> absolute penalties.


> Maybe I'm reading it wrong, if so
> can you clarify it.

See above.

> Is there any other source?

Most of the software also uses the initial hands, and not the totals, for the penalties and frequencies.

> Are you planning to update
> your great work?

Hard to say. When I finished it, I tought that BJA3 might be the end. We'll have to see.

> Thanks

> A fan

You're most welcome.
