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Thread: Bettie: Things I learned at last night's chat

  1. #1

    Bettie: Things I learned at last night's chat

    I learned the following at, or as a direct result of, last night's DD chat:

    If escargot is rubbery, it wasn't prepared properly.

    The definition of the word penurious.

    That chicken feet do not taste good.
    (I'll be honest; I would have assumed that I already knew that one without actually having to taste them.)

    That there is a restaurant in Vegas that sells chicken feet.

    That Vegas used to have a casino called Sports World from 1997 to 2001.

    That, when talk turns to "dancers," I get real bored, real fast.

    And, oh yeah, we also talked about blackjack!


  2. #2

    [email protected]: Some people love chicken feet

    They treat it like Caviar or something. I've tried it but it looks those alien hand in war of the worlds and tastes rubbery.

  3. #3

    Bettie: Re: Some people love chicken feet

    > They treat it like Caviar or something.

    Well, there's my problem; I don't like cavier, either! And what I tried was "really good," high-end stuff (read: expensive as all hell).



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