> I was having so much trouble doing it the
> correct way. Besides having severe dislexia
> (spelled wrong) [close! dyslexia] I have >extremely weak math skills. If you remember I >graduated high school with a 67 average and much > of that was from cheating.


> Funny thing was I was the fastest typist the
> school had ever seen to that point and they
> used to have me give demonstrations. Typing
> on an IBM electric close to 200 words a
> minute back then and 70 words a minute with
> mittens on. lol

How did you learn to type like that?

> I only devised this myself, because
> conventional systems did not work. I know
> it's terrible Don, but it gets the job done.

It's not "terrible"; it's just unique.

> As soon as I get involved in any plus or
> minus situation I lose track of what i'm
> doing.

Then, you've done the right thing.

> So with this system, i'm merely going up and
> down.
> I used to start at 30, but frequently the
> count would get to zero which would take be
> back to the plus minus stuff which I had
> trouble with.

And, you don't want to get in trouble when the count (for you) is so wonderfully low! :-)

> So I went up to 40 and it has never happened
> again or at least very rarely.

Yup. +40 RCs for us mere mortals are hard to come by.

> Why do you think i'm telling you for years I
> am your blackjack poster child. Meaning, if
> YOU have taken me to this level with my
> skills anybody can do this.

Sounds like a very good ad for a school ... or a Web site. :-)

> I try to tell this to people all the time
> that think it's above their head.

> I'm basically a math moron, so if
> Schlesinger, Parker, Norm and the rest of the
> masters in here can put this much money in
> my pocket, what can they do for the smart
> guys in here?

Well, when we ran the Blackjack Clinic over 20 years ago, we truly had people from all walks of life, and many thought they could never learn to do this, but they did. Motivation goes a long way.

> I think a lot.

> Thanking you guys in advance for all my
> extra cash lol

It certainly has been fun, no?
