> Back in October 2004 you discussed your Ace
> side count.

> I know you use Hilo and obviously Hilo is
> already ace reckoned.

> In that post you spoke of using the side
> count only as an adjustment for insurance
> decisions.

> Do you let the sidecount effect your
> decision for other playing decisions .. and
> if so how?

> Anyone else?

> Thanks.

I use the side ace count for both bet variation and determining whether or not to double 11,10,9,8 or split 9's and 10's.
Here's how I do it for SD or DD
Easy Example SD:If I were at the half deck level and all 4 aces are still in the deck I would have a surplus of 2 aces, I would add +2 for each ace (+4) and then use the multiplier of 2 (true count) for a total of +8, I will then add the +8 to my true count, this for the purpose of bet variation.
For doubling a 10 I give the ace an extra 50% factor, at the same half deck level as above, I would add +12 to my true count instead of +8 to determine whether or not to double down on 10.
Decisions for double on 9 I only give an extra 25% factor(+10). No extra factor for double on 8.
Splitting 10's are given an extra 50%, same as double 10, Splitting 9's extra 25%.
When determining whether to double 11 I give aces left in the deck minus 2 towards running count, and aces dealt +2 towards running count,then do multiplier for true count.
My count is not ace reckoned.

Hope I helped