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Thread: Hollywood: RARE, but the other side of the coin.

  1. #1

    Hollywood: RARE, but the other side of the coin.

    I don't think I have ever met anyone who hates Casino Personnel more then my friend Cardkountr.

    He has used some words to describe then in the past that I don't think you will find in the dictionary.

    In reading his recent post about the slime balls (that's him being nice, trust me) I recalled a story that happened to me a year ago that was interesting.

    I was playing at a club where I was comped to the hilt.

    That particular weekend I was down there with my wife, kids and 2 couples. So I had two 2 bedroom suites. 5 Bathrooms in each suite and double Jacuzzies in both rooms etc.

    I'm playing for a while and doing my thing, and the activity around me starts to get funny.

    You all know in here exactly what i'm talking about, because when it starts happening these guys are not exactly invisable.

    So one suit comes over to the table and waits for the shoe to be over and says "Can you step away from the table for a sec, I need to talk to you"

    I said "sure, how can I help"

    He says "listen, we know exactly what you are doing and we can't allow you to play here, we have been watching you for a while and we can't just let you come in here and keep taking our money while we load you up with goodies"

    Now, naturally, denial is not a river in egypt.

    So I tell him I don't know what he is talking about and him and I are being quite polite with eachother.

    But in the conversation I say, "so i'm here with my family and guests and have dinner reservations etc. and you are coming to me now and telling me there is a problem, after you were the ones that invited me, so now what do I do"?

    So this is he kicker guys, he apolgizes to me and says "we will honor your rooms and comps and you don't have to leave until tomorrow so long as you promise not to play BJ here ever again.

    I said "DEAL".

    They treated me so nice and were so fair, I couldn't get pissed off.

    It almost restored my faith in casino human nature.

    I say almost, because my next 10 experiences were terrible and I was met with sarcastic idiots who wanted a piece of me.

    I'll let cardk name them. He is much more descriptive.

    But although rare, it does happen.

    I remember Card telling me a story about how nice they were to him in the deep south once when they told him he couldn't play anymore.

    You know they treated me so good, that I never even attempted to go back there, even as somebody else.

    I couldn't help but wonder if all the dirt bags handled us all this way, if we would also not be more considerate.

    Just a thought


  2. #2

    One_More_Shoe: Similar Experience

    I had a somewhat similar experience, but it was fairly recently so I can't give too many details.

    Let's just say that is was the politest of back offs with the remainder of the trip comps honored, including the suite, meals, limo and event tickets.

    "Some" of them GET IT!


  3. #3

    WallStRunoff: Love reading about experiences *NM* *NM*


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