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Thread: Sun Runner: Parker or others ..

  1. #1
    Sun Runner

    Sun Runner: Parker or others ..

    (in response to a string on the Parker pages)

    > Sims show that a true-counted KO will
    > out-perform Hi-lo ...

    I totally agree. TKO with a side count of aces seems to be the level 1 ticket, but,

    > ... any true-counted system may be used for shuffle tracking.

    Where can I find information on how to ST with TKO? The unknowns in using TKO to ST are keeping me from moving forward on switching back to KO.

    If ST'ing with an un-balanced count is too problematic for me, I want to give up the idea of re-learning KO and move on.

    Apparently Snyder's book is of no direct use; does George C detail it in his ST for Begineers book?

    My fear is that ST'ing with TKO will require too many mental gymnastics to make it effective (for me).

    If a detailed answer, somewhere else on this site would be appropriate, I would really appreciate it.

    As always, thanks much.

  2. #2

    Ouchez: Some of the best pro's I know

    > (in response to a string on the Parker
    > pages)

    > I totally agree. TKO with a side count of
    > aces seems to be the level 1 ticket, but,

    > Where can I find information on how to ST
    > with TKO? The unknowns in using TKO to ST
    > are keeping me from moving forward on
    > switching back to KO.

    > If ST'ing with an un-balanced count is too
    > problematic for me, I want to give up the
    > idea of re-learning KO and move on.

    > Apparently Snyder's book is of no direct
    > use; does George C detail it in his ST for
    > Begineers book?

    > My fear is that ST'ing with TKO will require
    > too many mental gymnastics to make it
    > effective (for me).

    > If a detailed answer, somewhere else on this
    > site would be appropriate, I would really
    > appreciate it.

    > As always, thanks much.

    use Hi-lo and ST with great success. I guess you use KO.....?....why not just switch to Hi-Lo and have at it. Works for them, it will work for you. Besides, you are much smarter than the normal human .

    Strength and Honor,

  3. #3

    Parker: Re: Parker or others ..

    > Where can I find information on how to ST
    > with TKO? The unknowns in using TKO to ST
    > are keeping me from moving forward on
    > switching back to KO.

    I'm no expert on shuffle tracking.

    However, I don't normally go spouting off on topics on which I am not knowledgeable without doing some checking. The "any true-counted system may be used for shuffle tracking" statement came from Jake Smallwood, who is an expert on shuffle tracking.

    You might try dropping him an e-mail:

    [email protected]

  4. #4
    Sun Runner

    Sun Runner: Re: Some of the best pro's I know

    > ... use Hi-lo and ST with great success. I guess
    > you use KO.....?....why not just switch to
    > Hi-Lo and have at it.

    I started out using KO in the very beginning (I'm familiar with it) and switched to HiLo (about a year ago) specifically with the view to start learning to ST.

    Recently, I have been doing some cerebral [] analysis and it seems to me that for a 6D game, TKO with an Ace side count knocks every other level one, and some level two, cSCOREs out of the park.

    TKO/A is at least 10% better than HiLo and at least 5% better than HiLo/A.

    So -if I can learn to ST with TKO/A, I'm going to do it. If not, I'm through screwing around, and will stay with HiLo, add an Ace adjustment, and begin in earnest the road to ST'ing.

    Seems simple enough -I just want to 'see' how difficult it is to ST with an unbalanced count. That way I'll know if my little pin-head can handle it.

    With the dirth of replies to my inquiries, I'm beginning to think ST'ing w/unbalanced counts requires more mental gymnastics than I believe I could handle efficiently.

    If it is as taxing as how Brett Harris (see post above) suggest you should TC KO -I will be O_U_T out!

    Good luck to you Ouchez.


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