Last night, after playing for almost 6 hours and being down 68 units, the count goes nuts and I have a 12 unit bet down that I built up to.

With 3 doubles adding up to 72 units, In around 40 seconds a 68 unit loss became a 4 unit turnaround.

The overall night was a 40 unit win.
The point is that after 6 hours, it's easy to lose your cool.

I guess what i'm trying to say, is no matter how bad it seems to be going. Stick to your guns, follow proceedure. And USUALLY eventually your turn will come when the counting gods get on your side.

Several times last night I had a great count and either lost or pushed. It's so easy to get fustrated. But I always get through it by remember that guy Don introduced me to.

His name is SD.
