> I believe in math and am a blackjack
> advantage player. I also play craps, just
> the line or don't with odds. Has anyone else
> ever noticed that when a shooter throws the
> dice off the table, or when there's an
> argument, or someone placing a bet during a
> roll gets his big fat hand in the way of the
> dice, or when there's a strange quiteness to
> the table during the roll, or when there's a
> lot of money on the full table but there's
> no enthusiasm--when these things happen YOU
> if you pull down your odds the shooter will
> make the numbers you've just abandonded! No
> matter what you do you're screwed! Now
> before you all tell me about independent
> sequential events and the fallacy of luck
> and how superstition went out with voodoo
> doctors, etc., I remain entrenched in my
> beliefs. Come on, some of you believe that
> some shooters are just going to do good and
> some are going to do bad, some of the time.
> Ever noticed how when you just want to throw
> your point really bad you usually don't?
> Come on now be honest. Haven't you told the
> craps table, "Come on everybody, let's
> get rich!" If you feel they really want
> to loose, "seven out."

things do seem to happen. I do think that the collective "Mental Power" of a highly positive or excited table may cause positive things to happen. I am a "Mystic".

Just my opinion, I may be wrong.