> I know that the REKO pivot points are
> adjusted for ease of use, making the index number
> actually -2 for the double deck game.

> This play seems to be the play which was most adjusted
> for the rounding of the +2 decision point. If I
> changed this one play only, standing on H16 v. 10 to 0
> for a double deck game and -3 for the six-deck game
> (or the pivot point when I first increase the bet) --
> what kind of expectation change do you think this
> would yield.

Doesn't matter much, but I'm curious. Do the KO terms "pivot point" and "key count" have meaning in reKO? Or would they have the same meaning, but just aren't used? In any case, I wouldn't think you could call the point where you first increase your bet the pivot point.