> In which manner?

If you mean where would I like the display...in the tray where the RC and decks remaining figures pop up.

If you mean by which method.... You know better than me there I'm new to all this. The one I see most often quoted is Brett Harris'

"(RC - 4P)/D = TC, provided that you use zero as your initial running count (IRC)". P=decks plated D=decks remaining

If you mean method of rounding, flooring, truncating...
I think I'd like it exact or have the option.

I'd also like to see a one-click-to-return-all-blank button
on the "mask" feature in the flashcard drills. If I've clicked on a lot of cells and then want to unclick them I have to do each individualy. It would be really be handy to get a blank slate w/ a click. Perhaps this is already there, and I just havent found it.

Thanks for you time and a great tool for learning.
