> CV Blackjack V4 is now in development. If you are
> interested in joining the beta test program please
> contact me. Also, if you have any suggestions/requests
> now is the time.

> Serious Blackjack Software

How will the beta testing program work? How long do you think it will be until V4 is released?

The other suggestion for V4 which I forgot to mention was the size of the discard tray in ultra real mode. The tray just looks so tiny...not more then an inch. I realize this is difficult, but is there any way to make the tray appear closer to actual size like in the discard estimation drills?

If its not possible I can understand that. I just want to be able to practice in ultra real mode with a realistic looking discard tray. That is why I suggested a heads up game in real time mode. Now that would be cool!

One other minor point, when the betting chips are placed in the circle, maybe they shouldnt go in to exact same spot within the circle every time. In real play, players just place a bet inside the circle. Perhaps you could give the player 2 or 3 spots within the circe to place the bet(just thought it adds even more to the realism).