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Thread: Parker: E-mail alternatives

  1. #1

    Parker: E-mail alternatives

    Once again, a computer virus causes major inconveniences, not to mention millions of dollars worth of damage.

    Once again, the virus (actually a worm this time) exploits security holes in Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express.

    Once again I ask, why does anyone in their right mind continue to use this e-mail client?

    At least now, other people are asking as well. There was an article in today's San Diego Union-Tribune regarding just that.

    Link below.

    It's nice to see someone else recommend Pegasus, an e-mail program that I used for years.

    One program that they do not mention is Mozilla Mail, the program that I am presently using for all my e-mail. This is the e-mail client that comes with the Mozilla web browser. It is free, and unlike the free versions of Eudora and Opera, has no ad panel. It handles multiple accounts, has good spam filtering capabilities, and has an extremely useful search feature. It also has the capability of importing the data from an Outlook address book.

    Both Windows and Linux versions are available, as well as Mac OS X.

    Random thought: It seems extremely ironic that one of the most common forms of spam in my inbox is advertisments for software purporting to rid my inbox of spam.

  2. #2
    Norm Wattenberger

    Norm Wattenberger: Re: E-mail alternatives

    > Random thought: It seems extremely ironic
    > that one of the most common forms of spam in
    > my inbox is advertisments for software
    > purporting to rid my inbox of spam.

    Actually, I would think this is illegal. It is much like the old FAXes you got advertising FAX paper; while using it up. Seems to me the anti-spam spams are clear extortion. Pay me money or put up with my spam.

  3. #3
    scobee 1

    scobee 1: Gee, Parker

    Nice to hear you actually have an email program...I was beginning to wonder.

    Now checking it is another matter entirely.. {:-)

    Hope all is going well.



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