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Thread: Don Schlesinger: "NEW"s question

  1. #1
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: "NEW"s question

    Is anyone experiencing this problem?

    I read the boards several times a day. So, I look for the "NEW"s to tell me if any new posts have arrived since my last visit. No "NEW"s is bad news (!), because it means nothing new has been posted. Or, does it?

    We all know that after reading a post, the red text of the title turns gray (at least that's the way it works for me). Well, every once in a while, I run across a post that is red, amongst a sea of gray. It doesn't have a "NEW" next to it, but upon reading it, it's clear to me that I haven't read that post before.

    So, the question is, assuming I didn't skip over a "NEW," which eventually "expired," leaving the post unread, but without a "NEW" next to it anymore (I assure you, this ISN'T the case), how are some new posts making it through to the boards without being marked "NEW"?

    Of course, the problem is that I'm missing these posts and not reading them until later, if ever.


  2. #2

    Aruuba: Re: "NEW"s question

    This probably won't help much but I noticed on, if u click on "Before you post" and then the "FAQ's", there is a question marked "NEW" on how "NEW" notification works there. Included is a further link to a WEBBBS FAQ list talking about scripts.
    Just thought it might give you an idea of how it can work. Of course, it doesn't mean that's how it works here. It seems that, maybe, if you log off and on within 30 minutes of your last session, you might lose a few tags. They also suggest you might have to delete your message board cookie if you are experiencing erratic behavior.

  3. #3
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Thank you for the info *NM*

  4. #4

    Parker: WebBBS

    No need to involve BJ21 in this. :-)

    If you scroll all the way to the bottom of any page, you will find a statement something like: "Parker Pages: Computing for Counters is maintained by Viktor Nacht with WebBBS 5.00." Note that the "WebBBS 5.0" is a clickable link.

    I have also thoughtfully reproduced the link below.

    This will take you to the WebBBS home page, where you will find the aforementioned FAQ link, including a question and answer regarding the "New" tags, along with a bunch of other useful info.

    Incidentally, and do indeed use the same WebBBS software for the message boards, but we are running a slightly newer version.

    And of course, Viktor has customized it a bit, so it may seem a little different from "that other site."


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