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Thread: Wildcard: RAM upgrade ?

  1. #1

    Wildcard: RAM upgrade ?

    I have a HP Model 6644D with a Celeron 600MHz processor and 64MB of memory.

    I'm interested in some software that requires 128MB of memory. Compuserve will upgrade me to 128MB for $30.00, certainly cheap enough.

    Question is, while the box is in the shop, should I further upgrade beyond 128MB? I think my system can be upgraded to around 300MB, but not sure if much beyond the 128MB is worth the additional cost.

    My computer usage is not that extensive, but am wondering if "more is better", and just how much more should I go.


  2. #2

    ursasmar: Re: RAM upgrade ?

    While you didn't mention what OS you are using I will assume its either Win98 or WinXP, in either case, more is better. Windows just likes to use RAM. But if you can upgrade to a total of 256 megs for under $100, I would say go for it.

  3. #3

    Wildcard: My OS is WIN98. *NM*

  4. #4

    Parker: Re: RAM upgrade ?

    I don't think you would see any noticeable improvement above 128 MB running WN 98, unless you routinely have several applications going at once.

    However, memory is cheap these days (I can remember when $1/MB was considered a bargain), and if there is even the slightest possibility that you may one day upgrade the OS on that computer to Windows XP, then the extra few dollars to go to 256 MB would be a good investment.

  5. #5

    Wildcard: thanks Ursasmar and Parker *NM*


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