The Playing Efficiency of card counting system is the ratio of the gain produced by making playing decisions based on the count using that system to the maximum gain possible from knowledge of exactly what cards remain to be played and oerfect use of this knowledge. I do not know of any formula to compute the PE of a counting system No such formula appears in the books by Thorp, Schlesinger, Griffin, Snyder, Wong, Grosjean, etc. I suppose that it is obtained by simulation, e.g. to get the PE for Hi-Lo a game is simulated in which playing decisions are made on basis of the Hi-Lo count, then the game is simulated in which playing decisions are made on basis calculating the gain or loss from hitting, standing, doubling, splitting or surrendering taking into account how many of each card remains to be played and finally taking the ratio of the Hi-Lo gain to the latter gain.

> Hi!

> I have a question: how do you calculate the playing
> efficiency in blackjack?
> I would like to find a formula or something that shows
> me how the PE is calculted, not just what PE a
> counting system has.

> I would really appreciate some help with this!