> I'm saying that the dealer is more
> likely to match a player's blackjack in a
> game with fewer decks.

I was firmly in your camp on this one, Parker. I consulted CVData, though, and now I'm not so sure. According to the stats below, the probability of pushing with a BJ increases with the number of decks. The data comes from 2 sims of 250 million hands each. Both played BS, so pen shouldn't be an issue.

1 Deck (Pen 75%)
Probability of being dealt BJ: 4.786% (about 1 every 20.89 hands)
Probability of BJ push vs. dealer's 10: .061
Probability of BJ push vs. dealer's A: .303
Total probability of BJ push: .036 (About 1 out of every 27.78 BJ's)

6 Deck (Pen 83% - 5/6)
Probability of being dealt BJ: 4.745% (about 1 every 21.07 hands)
Probability of BJ push vs. dealer's 10: .074
Probability of BJ push vs. dealer's A: .308
Total probability of BJ push: .046 (About 1 out of every 21.74 BJ's)