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Thread: RayMetz100: True Basic Strategy for 6D KO

  1. #1

    RayMetz100: True Basic Strategy for 6D KO

    There are only 2 casinos in my town that I play at. They both have exactly the same rules. 6D, H17, DA2, DAS, SP3, NRSA, NS, $3 min. The basic strategy I use is from the Basic Strategy Calculator v4.1 at It differs slightly from the basic strategy in the KO book. Here are the differences:

    KO Book:
    Never split 4s.
    Hit 6s vs. 2.
    Hit 2s and 3s against 2 or 3
    Stand on A-8 vs. 6
    Stand on A-7 vs. 2
    Hit 11 vs. A (double at +4 or greater)

    BJ Math:
    Split 4s vs. 5 or 6
    Split 6s vs. 2
    Split 2s and 3s against 2 or 3
    Double A-8 vs. 6
    Double A-7 vs. 2
    Double 11 vs. A

    There is a note at the bottom of page 30 that validates the 3 splitting differences, but there is no reference to the three doubling differences.

    When I was just flat betting, I didn't worry about the KO book leaving out those three doubles. I doubled them all the time without a second thought. Now that I'm starting to count though, I wonder if these three plays have an index that they depend on.

    If I played in Vegas, I wouldn't worry about these little rules, because keeping track of different rules for different casinos might not be worth the effort. But since 90% of my time is spent playing these rules, I'd like to know the optimal strategy.

    I know I can probably buy software that will sim these rules out and give me the answers, but since I only need one sim for now, and my bank is only $340, the software wouldn't pay for itself for a long time. Do the people who sell the software also sell just the results to a specific game for a lower price? I'd gladly pay $10 or something for information that would help me be more proficient at my local game.

    I'm also curious where these three doubles fit into the preferred strategy matrix, and how they would rank on the cumulative value chart on page 89.



  2. #2
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Re: True Basic Strategy for 6D KO

    > There is a note at the bottom of page 30
    > that validates the 3 splitting differences,
    > but there is no reference to the three
    > doubling differences.

    They are all because of h17. Were the rule s17, none would be correct doubles for the 6-deck game.


  3. #3

    RayMetz100: Thanks Don! (one more question though...)

    > They are all because of h17. Were the rule
    > s17, none would be correct doubles for the
    > 6-deck game.

    I assume that also means that those three special 6D H17 doubles should always be played, regardless of the count? Or is the difference so minor that they would all have less value than your I18 plays, so it wouldn't really matter? I just started insurance and will implement the 16 vs. 10 index on my next outing. I assume those two plays are more important than changing the three doubles would be.



  4. #4
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Re: Thanks Don! (one more question though...)

    > I assume that also means that those three
    > special 6D H17 doubles should always be
    > played, regardless of the count?

    No, not true. All of those plays are very sensitive to the count and shouldn't be made in any appreciable negative count.

    > Or is the
    > difference so minor that they would all have
    > less value than your I18 plays, so it
    > wouldn't really matter?

    The two soft doubles aren't crucial, with A,8 v. 6 being more important than A,7 v. 2. The 11 v. Ace is more important than either, because it is a much more frequent play.

    > I just started
    > insurance and will implement the 16 vs. 10
    > index on my next outing. I assume those two
    > plays are more important than changing the
    > three doubles would be.

    Infinitely more important!


  5. #5

    RayMetz100: Thanks again Don.

    > No, not true. All of those plays are very
    > sensitive to the count and shouldn't be made
    > in any appreciable negative count.

    > The two soft doubles aren't crucial, with
    > A,8 v. 6 being more important than A,7 v. 2.
    > The 11 v. Ace is more important than either,
    > because it is a much more frequent play.

    > (Insurance and 16 vs. 10 is) Infinitely more important!

    Although I'd love to know the actual counts that these doubles shouldn't be made, for now I'm going to always double them and practice my insurance and 16 vs. 10 plays.

    Where would not doubling 11 vs. A fall in the priority of your I18, when ordered by importance? I imagine it's somewhere below the 15 vs. 10 play as well.

    Until I get more info, I'm going to continue to always double 11 vs. A as I have been doing so far.

    Thanks again Don,


  6. #6
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Re: Thanks again Don.

    > Where would not doubling 11 vs. A fall in
    > the priority of your I18, when ordered by
    > importance? I imagine it's somewhere below
    > the 15 vs. 10 play as well.

    About in the middle -- 9th. With a big spread, it's worth about 1/10 of the insurance play.

    > Thanks again Don,

    You're welcome. Now, you can do something for me: promise you'll never actually utter the (pseudo) word "funner" in a public place! ;-)


  7. #7

    RayMetz100: Why couldn't Don have been my HS english teacher?

    It would have been so much more fun.(See, I'm learning!) Having Don on this board is great for my writing skills.


  8. #8
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Why couldn't Don have been my HS English teacher?

    > It would have been so much more fun.(See,
    > I'm learning!)

    Yes, you are!

    > Having Don on this board is
    > great for my writing skills.

    Now, what did I change in your title? :-)


  9. #9

    RayMetz100: English is capitalized. :P *NM*

  10. #10
    Mister M

    Mister M: Re: Why couldn't Don have been my HS english teach

    I don't think he taught special needs Ray!
    Just Kidding. I do enjoy the posts .What is your day job?.

  11. #11

    RayMetz100: Day job is Database Administrator

    I do general network and database administration for a small ultrasound medical device manufacturing company. I'm a Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) and also have their MCSE+I certification, but no college degree.


  12. #12
    Mister M

    Mister M: Re: Day job is Database Administrator

    I noted that several previous posts had given sound computor advice and it's always nice to call on the experts.
    Have a good weekend.


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