> Frank Stanton is a put on by either the
> alter ego of Stanford wong or A employee at
> bj21. No one is that looney. His continual
> dribble about the "flaw" and John
> Patrick is entertaining but a little long
> winded. You must have the inside skinny on
> him????

I'm not going to bash Frank, because I have no intention of allowing him to trash this forum with his nonsense.

I have come to know Stanford Wong fairly well and consider him a good friend. He is a brilliant man, perhaps even a genius, not to mention an extremely astute businessman.

However, I don't think that even he could "create" someone as bizarre as Frank. To the best of my knowledge, Frank is for real.

It is possible that he could be a creation of someone not afiliated with bj21.com. If so, I would like to meet that person.

But preferably in a public place! :-)