> I think ET Fan is right about the
> theoretical possibility of shuffle machines
> being designed to increase the house edge.
> You are questioning the possibility of
> basically gaining 100% control, but ET Fan
> is talking only in terms of fractions of a
> percent shifts in probabilities.

Et says absolutely nothing about "terms of fractions". He's claiming discards can be pre-arranged so casinos will have 100% control of the game. This is impossible. You seem to think he's talking about increasing house edge 100%, as in,.5% to 1%,etc.etc...this is not the case.

Having complete control(100%) over a game means any outcome can be manipulated in advance. For example, a dealer picks up coins and flips them after a player calls heads or tails. If player calls tails, dealer flips a bogus coin with heads on both sides. If heads is called he flips the tails bogus coin. As you can easily see,the dealer has "100%" control of this cheating game.

> The technological know-how is certainly there to influence outcomes. To take one of the
> simplest of examples, CSMs that are commonly
> used possess a sensor to recognise cards.
> These are ostensibly there to notice marked
> cards, but it would obviously be possible to
> create a bias in the cards that were
> selected for play.

I think everyone knows that a bias can be created in many of the simpliest ways,even a shuffle tracker can create a bias,but this certainly does not mean I have 100% control over the game,does it?

> Finally, regarding the question of why we
> would want to talk about these
> possibilities, here are just a few reasons:

Sure it's good to say CSM's,6/5,and bad rules suck so dont play them,I agree,but is this really the same as implying,inventing,imagining,creating,dicovering,a nd discussing ways casinos can benefit from a new age of techno-cheating!?

We have nothing to gain by this thread. Sometimes blackjack is a priority before dreaming up and trying to flaunt wisdom. I've been beating shuffle machines for 10 years. Maybe they actually cheat in the players favor.)))
