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Thread: Marc: Indiana Action

  1. #1

    Marc: Indiana Action

    I have played in all of the Indiana riverboat casinos in the past year. Play mostly at Evansville due to ability to find $10 tables easier than anywhere else. In daylight, some $5 can be found. Argosy, GV and Belterra have all gone to conservative tables. Occasionally can get into a decent game at Caesers near Louisville. All casinos at the north end of state are unpleasent/dirty. Evansville is clean, relatively friendly. Unlike Las Vegas (generally go twice a year), in Indiana if you play green or black, you will be hawked from first bet on - constantly...boss will not leave the table. Two weeks ago in Evansville, played green to black ($25 min./$200 max) for 3 hours and up $4, threatened (I reminded boss sweetly that she got $900 from me night before and she let me stay). I walked with $3,900 - but it was fairly hysterical all of the eyes watching. Good luck to all.

  2. #2

    RP: A question...

    > Two weeks ago in
    > Evansville, played green to black ($25
    > min./$200 max) for 3 hours and up
    > $4, threatened (I reminded boss
    > sweetly that she got $900 from me night
    > before and she let me stay).

    What do you mean by "got threatened...(but) she let me stay?" Did the boss threaten to 86 you or disallow you from playing BJ? To my understanding, the Indiana Gaming Commission does not approve of either of those tactics if the sole reason is skilled play. The IGC does, however, approve of countermeasures such as half-shoeing and preferential shuffling; it does not approve of flat-betting or other betting restrictions, unless they apply to everybody at the table.

  3. #3

    Marc: Re: A question...

    Pit boss asked me if I was counting straight up. I laughed, acted incredulous and used the rote responses (counting doesn't really work does it? I am way too dumb to remember what happened two hands ago, who could count when the dealer is going this fast? etc.) I was the only player at the table for most of the time so no other player heard the boss' comment. I generally hit Evansville 1-2 times a month and this was the most obnoxious I have seen it...perhaps cause I was playing alone. Heading to Vegas in a couple of days with the BR, hoping for a few good tables.

  4. #4
    Ol' Dog

    Ol' Dog: Re: A question...

    I play DD, win 500 and leave or 6D and win 1000-1500 and leave. I don't yell, lecture or make a scene with the locals when they split 2,2 v 10 or double hard 7 against a 6, although I did let a comment slip when one lady doubled an A,3 against an 8.

    2 "friendly" PC, when no one else was around, have the same as told me that they know I am counting, but do nothing. The "unfriendly" PCs glare and stare, then move the cut card if I am winning big, but not if I am losing unless I bet large.

    They are paranoid, but as long as you don't get greedy or embarrass them, I believe you can play.

    But 4,200 in 3 hours is a bit much for Eville to over look.

  5. #5

    Brick: dont call this a threat.

    I've joked around with the pit many times,this is far from a threat. It's the inconclusive statements, such as yours, that misleads newbies and other casinos into believing that there really is a big crackdown going on everywhere, therefore they may fell a need to tighten up their game.


    > Pit boss asked me if I was counting straight
    > up. I laughed, acted incredulous and used
    > the rote responses (counting doesn't really
    > work does it? I am way too dumb to remember
    > what happened two hands ago, who could count
    > when the dealer is going this fast? etc.) I
    > was the only player at the table for most of
    > the time so no other player heard the boss'
    > comment. I generally hit Evansville 1-2
    > times a month and this was the most
    > obnoxious I have seen it...perhaps cause I
    > was playing alone. Heading to Vegas in a
    > couple of days with the BR, hoping for a few
    > good tables.

  6. #6

    Marc: Re: A question...

    So you play Evansville as well? Like I said in message, of the Indiana casinos, this is my favorite and they generally do treat players (both good and bad) well. I have had same experiences, friendlier PC's don't seem to care. I do note thought that green to black play gets a lot of attention. More than I am accustomed to in Tunica or Las Vegas.

  7. #7

    cucuso4: Re: Indiana Action

    > I too have played many of the Indiana stores in the past year. It's good to hear there is someone else who enjoys Eville. I made my first trip there last summer. Based on the negative comments I had heard, I expected to see saw dust on the floor and spitoons in the hotel room. I was pleasantly surprised to find a clean, effecient hotel and a nice little casino. The only negative is the distance to any other stores.

    As far as the rest of Indiana, I just returned from a two day trip to M-City. It still has the best 6D game in the state and I find nothing wrong with the store in general. Well I guess the food does suck, but what the hell I didn't pay for it.


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