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Thread: Dave: Ever play at East Chicago Harrah's?

  1. #1

    Dave: Ever play at East Chicago Harrah's?

    Jeez...I wouldn't bother if you haven't. Those dealers are the meanest ones that I have seen so far. I think they are told to be mean to people they suspect of counting. Do the dealers care how much money you win off of them? Do they get in trouble for a few hundred dollars? I won about 80 dollars from this black lady and she seemed to be angry at me but I didn't think 80 dollars was that big of a deal. I even had an asian guy be mean to me and you never think of asian guy's being that mean.

  2. #2
    scobee 1

    scobee 1: Re: Ever play at East Chicago Harrah's?

    > Jeez...I wouldn't bother if you haven't.
    > Those dealers are the meanest ones that I
    > have seen so far. I think they are told to
    > be mean to people they suspect of counting.
    > Do the dealers care how much money you win
    > off of them? Do they get in trouble for a
    > few hundred dollars? I won about 80 dollars
    > from this black lady and she seemed to be
    > angry at me but I didn't think 80 dollars
    > was that big of a deal. I even had an asian
    > guy be mean to me and you never think of
    > asian guy's being that mean.

    Due to changes in conditions recently around Chicago, I have re-visited EC Harrah's much to my surprise. I had a dealer asking other players into my heads-up game in the so-called priority pit and then ask me to leave when the table was filling up and I was sitting out. She complained to the pit boss about my smart remarks and he came over to re-iterate that I was not welcome to stay at the table, even though I had literally polled all the dozen people around the table if they wanted to play my spot, unless I started betting immediately.

    He was wearing one of those ridiculous "We give 'A' service." buttons.

    After half an hour's discussion with the shift manager, I was given a bribe of dinner for two and his business card for my next visit.

    Looks like you got the typical service they offer to everyone. I wouldn't take it personally.

  3. #3

    Ouchez: Dave, do you do Trump weeknights?

    I understand that may be worth the time as well as a trip to Blue Chip.

    Good luck!

  4. #4

    Ouchez: scobee, if you are taking a spot and not

    > Due to changes in conditions recently around
    > Chicago, I have re-visited EC Harrah's much
    > to my surprise. I had a dealer asking other
    > players into my heads-up game in the
    > so-called priority pit and then ask me to
    > leave when the table was filling up and I
    > was sitting out. She complained to the pit
    > boss about my smart remarks and he came over
    > to re-iterate that I was not welcome to stay
    > at the table, even though I had literally
    > polled all the dozen people around the table
    > if they wanted to play my spot, unless I
    > started betting immediately.

    > He was wearing one of those ridiculous
    > "We give 'A' service." buttons.

    > After half an hour's discussion with the
    > shift manager, I was given a bribe of dinner
    > for two and his business card for my next
    > visit.

    > Looks like you got the typical service they
    > offer to everyone. I wouldn't take it
    > personally.

    playing you must expect to be asked to leave that seat so a player can take it. They want action, if you don't give it they really could care less.

    The best bet in the instance you describe is to quietly leave that table and not do a poll or make any remarks as the dealer ascribed to you.

    These Chi-Town boats will share information and you can find you're playing time limited to unacceptable levels if word is spread about skill level or attitude.

    Just keep that famous cool and nice personality you have and don't allow a bad run or nasty dealer to put you on tilt.

  5. #5

    Dave: Re: Dave, do you do Trump weeknights?

    > I understand that may be worth the time as
    > well as a trip to Blue Chip.

    > Good luck!

    Oh really?? Yes, I did go to Trump the same night that I had a bad experience at harrah's. I had great success at Trump and they were pretty nice to me. I say "oh really" because I figured Blue Chip wasn't worth going to. Next time I travel up to Gary, I will go to Blue Chip as well. Yeah, watch for a certain female dealer at Harrah's. I can't remember her name but I would know her if I saw her. She told one guy to chill out on the smoking because she "couldn't count the cards". hahaha I kept playing despite her remarks.

  6. #6
    scobee 1

    scobee 1: Casino cool

    Ouchez, your advice is quite good on this particular subject as a general policy.

    However, I asked if anyone wanted to play before the relief dealer started in on me, and he heard me. I was waiting for the regular dealer to return, who was blessed with a delightful and penetrating style, and made that clear earlier....all this happened within the twenty minute relief period and I did not take a lammer precisely to allow another player to use my box if so desired.

    This was at 3:30 in the morning and there were several partially filled tables still open in the room. I told him I thought he should stick to dealer-ing and leave the police work and soliciting to others, even if it was the policy of the management to care more about potential players than those who had been playing an hour already at this table. When my regular dealer returned, there were five other players at the table and I could not protect two boxes. I was waiting for someone to drop out before coming in on a postive EV round. After playing at a table for a while, I often sit there and back count while hanging with the homeys. This strategy turned a small profit into my biggest win ever (at the time) one night in an un-named Strip casino. I jumped back in on a +2TC in a double deck game with two spots. With naturals, splits, and doubles hitting the felt, I made several hundred dollars in that pack during the two rounds before the shuffle. This is part of my 'Swoop System' to strike after the pit has let down their guard, and then leave. I enjoy seeing them shake their heads wondering what happened as I walk away.

    Yes, I have a long-standing series of greivances with the Harrah's chain. It takes very little to get my back up at their stores.

    I also saw an opportunity to Max-imize my comp profile. This little ploy netted me a $100 comp and established me to the manager as a potential convert not to be trifled with. At a hundred dollars average bet you can be sure I will be indignant when treated like steerage.....wouldn't your average ploppy do the same? Action talks and bullshit walks. Believe me, I have seen the other side of this equation often enough.

    If you don't ask, you don't get around here. There are no gracious bosses in Indiana to ask if you would like any special treatment.... to them we are all suckers differentiated only by our willingness to be separated from our money by varying degrees.

    I don't agree that the job of the dealer is to harass and police the players. Just deliver the cards. Quickly. The pit critters are there for a pick up finished drink glasses, keep my ashtray clean, and bring a waitress to my table when asked. Having failed on all accounts, this particular critter was already on my list. I do not fear the would take some signs of intelligence to inspire fear. This place has only dysfunctional functionaries, which is one reason why I generally avoid it.



    P.S. I did apologize to the relief dealer before leaving. If you get treated like sheep, I contend you have to bleat or you will be sheared. Like I have said before several times, I love dealers who empathize with the players. I detest officious and pompous critters and have no qualms about going over their heads when I am mistreated. If that compromises my longevity, so be it. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

  7. #7
    scobee 1

    scobee 1: Wrong!

    > I understand that may be worth the time as
    > well as a trip to Blue Chip.

    This time I have to disagree. Trump has become the 'Harrah's of Gary'. You will find 4/6 and 6/8 shoes with baccarat shields and discard covers, unless you prefer to play the half dozen CSM's that have recently appeared.

    I think they still have 20x odds for the crappers, though. I suggested to Arnold he include them in the 'burn joint' list for the next issue of BJF.

    Jojo and I are still waiting for your promised visit.... MIchigander is coming down this month, maybe we could have a 'Hitmen Redux' event. Jaccuzzi optional, unfortunately, unless you want to hit the health club with me. I do have a room with your name on it reserved that is adjacent to the kitchen and refridgerator.


  8. #8

    Ouchez: scobee, you have my e-mail address

    > This time I have to disagree. Trump has
    > become the 'Harrah's of Gary'. You
    > will find 4/6 and 6/8 shoes with baccarat
    > shields and discard covers, unless you
    > prefer to play the half dozen CSM's that
    > have recently appeared.

    > I think they still have 20x odds for the
    > crappers, though. I suggested to Arnold he
    > include them in the 'burn joint' list for
    > the next issue of BJF.

    > Jojo and I are still waiting for your
    > promised visit.... MIchigander is coming
    > down this month, maybe we could have a
    > 'Hitmen Redux' event. Jaccuzzi optional,
    > unfortunately, unless you want to hit the
    > health club with me. I do have a room with
    > your name on it reserved that is adjacent to
    > the kitchen and refridgerator.

    > scobee

    tell me the dates and times and location, I might be able to make it.

    There is one item I dislike the most in the shoe game but have never alluded to it in a post.

    You mentioned it, do you know what it is?

    They also use them at MGM in Detroit.

  9. #9

    SOTSOG: Don't you mean McHarrah's?

    Harrah's is to casino gaming what
    McDonald's is to fine dining.

    Be sure to play them slots and get that Diamond Card! LOL


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