> Hi EK,

> Glad to be reading you again, seems like a
> lot of the good posters have moved here or
> visiting anyway. Was wondering what this
> TARGET thing is that caused you problems? Is
> it to be avoided, or just didn't work for
> you?

> Also, of those places you listed as
> visiting, which are among the top 5 for
> blackjack play at the red chip level?

> EK> I got mixed up with TARGET for awhile
> which turned out to be a disaster.

TARGET is a method of table evaluation based on a set of factors used to pick "so called" winning tables. What you do is look for these factors and if they are present you play at that table. It is really looking at what has happened it the past to predict the future. Most experts and players think this system is worthless. In fact, I don't know of any expert who endorses it. My experience using it was very unfavorable. Parker might even wash you mouth out with soap if you mention it on his site. Here is a link to some more information about TARGET.