Hey all, I hate to have to do this, but it's become an unfortunate necessity. This will likely not affect 99.9% of you, but effective immediately, RGE Publishing will only accept orders from overseas/foreign customers when paid via check or money order in USD, including overseas/foreign customers that ship to a US address. Place your order online as normal, and you will receive a personal e-mail with the final amount including shipping charges. Your order will remain on hold for a period of 20 days or until your check or money order arrives. Previous overseas customers may be exempt; contact me at [email protected] with any questions.

I'm going to guess that anyone reading this who is an overseas customer is a previous customer and therefore exempt from these new conditions, but please do not be offended if I have to make you follow the new guidelines. Best bet is to use a CC that you have used with us before.

Thanks very much,