> I was approached by a Casino employee just as I was on
> my way out the door. He said "no more
> blackjack". I was polite as always, but a
> security guard was there just a few seconds after I
> was stopped. I did not provide ID, only a fake name.
> The guard said that if I came back it would be
> trespassing. I signed nothing, and there didn't seem
> to be any formal text. I complied with the guards
> request to stand in a spot for a picture, this was
> just on the main floor not in any kind of office or
> back room. They were professional, but obviously
> following their procedures.

> How do I know if I have been legally trespassed? They
> have my picture(s), no ID, no real name. I have a
> players card at this place but did not use it this
> trip.

> If this helps, I can say that I was at place 'a', won
> about 28 units in a short heads-up session, but walked
> to place 'b' to redeem the checks. They are sister
> properties. They must have followed me for a good 15
> minutes as I visited the mens room as well as a
> leisurly walk.

> I am only in Vegas a couple times a year. My act must
> be pretty crummy ha!

At first you were only backed-off. But the security guard seemed to imply that you were tresspassed. (The casino employee's back-off is probably what happened.) The casino had no legal right to hold you for your photo. But if they request one and you give it, no law has been broken. You could have stated that you do not want your picture taken, turned away, and stated that you are leaving (all done without looking aggressive or threating).

Greasy John