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Thread: westtex2121: tournament value

  1. #1

    westtex2121: tournament value

    Hi guys, has anyone played the Harrahs milionaire maker Blackjack tournament?

    I have a free entry to one of the preliminary events in Lousiana ($10,0000 first place and an entry to the big event in Las Vegas)

    The problem I have never played a Blackjack tournament, I understand that counting has very little effect in tournament play.

    Are there any books are strategies that would give an inexperienced tournament player an edge?

    Thanks for any advice


  2. #2

    MrPill: Re: tournament value

    > Hi guys, has anyone played the Harrahs milionaire
    > maker Blackjack tournament?

    > I have a free entry to one of the preliminary events
    > in Lousiana ($10,0000 first place and an entry to the
    > big event in Las Vegas)

    > The problem I have never played a Blackjack
    > tournament, I understand that counting has very little
    > effect in tournament play.

    > Are there any books are strategies that would give an
    > inexperienced tournament player an edge?

    > Thanks for any advice

    > westtex2121


    Check out Ken Smith's site, it has made me a winner at tourney play.

    Like this site, in regards to advantage play, there are a lot of folks with the knowledge you seek at Ken's site in regards to tourney play. (Even a few Texan's too)


  3. #3

    Parker: Re: tournament value

    Casino Tournament Strategy, by Stanford Wong, will not necessarily give you an "edge." However, you will be playing at a disadvantage if you have not studied it, as most of the serious players at the tournament will certainly have done so. It is available from our online catalog (direct link below).

    There is no substitute for tournament experience. Many casinos offer low stakes tournaments with a nominal entry fee (typically $25 or so) on a weekly basis. Find out if there are any of these at casinos in your area, and play as many of them as you can before the Harrah's event.

  4. #4
    Sun Runner

    Sun Runner: Re: tournament value

    Ditto Mr. Pill and Parker.

    Also, develope an ability to count chip stacks quickly. Buy a bunch of decent casino chips (they are cheap these days) and start setting them up in random stacks and getting used to counting them down. Then figure out 'if he's got that and I've got this, what do I do if I'm ahead (or behind) and betting first (or last.)

    In small ways each, BJ tournies are all about what you know about BJ right now. BS, counting, index play, etc.

    But a BJ tournament is less a card tournament and more a betting tournament.

    Good luck. Check back in and let us know how it went.

  5. #5

    westtex2121: Re: tournament value

    > Ditto Mr. Pill and Parker.

    > Also, develope an ability to count chip stacks
    > quickly. Buy a bunch of decent casino chips (they are
    > cheap these days) and start setting them up in random
    > stacks and getting used to counting them down. Then
    > figure out 'if he's got that and I've got this, what
    > do I do if I'm ahead (or behind) and betting first (or
    > last.)

    > In small ways each, BJ tournies are all about what you
    > know about BJ right now. BS, counting, index play,
    > etc.

    > But a BJ tournament is less a card tournament and more
    > a betting tournament.

    > Good luck. Check back in and let us know how it went.

    Thanks guys I have the chips to practice with and will order

    Wong's book today.


  6. #6

    MrPill: Re: tournament value

    > Ditto Mr. Pill and Parker.

    > Also, develope an ability to count chip stacks
    > quickly. Buy a bunch of decent casino chips (they are
    > cheap these days) and start setting them up in random
    > stacks and getting used to counting them down. Then
    > figure out 'if he's got that and I've got this, what
    > do I do if I'm ahead (or behind) and betting first (or
    > last.) ........

    I would also suggest getting solid color chips, much more difficult to count when in a stack. If you can count the solid black ones accurately, you can count/estimate any kind.

    Good Luck,

  7. #7
    Sun Runner

    Sun Runner: Excellent point ..

    > I would also suggest getting solid color chips ...

    The tourney chips are gnerally different (solid) than the every day money chips.

    Good tip.


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