> Sorry, but that's the only kind of edge there is.
> Anything else is just a combination of wishful
> thinking, selective memory, and positive variation.

Could not have said it better.

> Some might call it "luck."

Not me!

To be clear, I believe in 'luck.' But I don't rely on the good luck and I pray the bad luck does not toss me out of the game.

> No amount of mental focus will turn a negative
> expectation game into a positive one, any more that it
> will allow you to defy gravity.

Preach it Parker.

But I have seen many a dead-butt with a dismal, depressed, poor me attitude turn good opportunities into bad ones. All because they were bitching and moaning so much it passed them by.

Exceptional preperation, exceptional execution, and a great attitude are a recipe for success.

Poor preperation, worse execution, and a great attitude are a recipe for certain failure.