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Thread: Ali Baba: Question for...MJ actually.

  1. #1
    Ali Baba

    Ali Baba: Question for...MJ actually.

    Hey MJ, I just read your post way below about you switching to Hi Lo from KO. Isn't it the biggest pain in the neck in the universe to train your brain not to go up a point value every time you see a seven?

  2. #2

    MJ: Re: Question for...MJ actually.

    LOL...yes sirreeeeeee you got that one right!! I was quite fast with KO because I had been practicing to the point where it became second nature. I got to the point where I could count down a deck in under 15 seconds nearly every time!

    The good news is if you really focus and work on it eventually your brain will ignore the 7. I would say I'm nearly there but not quite. Just the other day I set a personal record with Hi-Lo of counting down a deck in 13.5 seconds. My fastest time with KO was 12.5 seconds.

    I would suggest using Casino Verite for counting practice. Make sure you can count down a deck in under 20 seconds every time. Your brain will get there trust me. I just hope I made the correct decision in switching from KO to Hi-Lo.
    KO was so damn discard estimation error and no dreaded TC conversion rounding.
    The main reason I switched is b/c Hi-Lo has shuffle tracking and it gets to the long term faster then KO(you reach N0 faster).

    Good luck with your training!


    > Hey MJ, I just read your post way below
    > about you switching to Hi Lo from KO. Isn't
    > it the biggest pain in the neck in the
    > universe to train your brain not to go up a
    > point value every time you see a seven?

  3. #3
    Ali Baba

    Ali Baba: Re: Question for...MJ actually.

    Yeah, it's the same with me. I' about as fast now as I was with KO, and the funny thing is I'm just as accurate. I feel like it's learning another language, your brain gets so used to operating one way and then you need to make a change. I sometimes worry if I'll ever get completely past the "seven situation", to the point where I don't have to think like I did with KO. I'd like to think with all the work I'm putting in I'll get to that point sooner than later. I switched for similar reasons. Ignoring sevens is almost to the point of second nature, but my brain sometimes still stops for a tick when one comes across. It IS a lot of extra work with the deck estimation, but it's often not that bad. For instance, off the top of a deck you know that the count has to be at least +6 to even worry about deck estimation. Plus, whenever the count is negative (which seems to be the case all too often) there's also no need to look at the discard rack, unless a playing strategy index number calls for a negative true count.

    Plus, I wasn't aware of the differce in N0, numbers, is Hi-Lo significantly better?

    > LOL...yes sirreeeeeee you got that one
    > right!! I was quite fast with KO because I
    > had been practicing to the point where it
    > became second nature. I got to the point
    > where I could count down a deck in under 15
    > seconds nearly every time!

    > The good news is if you really focus and
    > work on it eventually your brain will ignore
    > the 7. I would say I'm nearly there but not
    > quite. Just the other day I set a personal
    > record with Hi-Lo of counting down a deck in
    > 13.5 seconds. My fastest time with KO was
    > 12.5 seconds.

    > I would suggest using Casino Verite for
    > counting practice. Make sure you can count
    > down a deck in under 20 seconds every time.
    > Your brain will get there trust me. I just
    > hope I made the correct decision in
    > switching from KO to Hi-Lo.
    > KO was so damn discard
    > estimation error and no dreaded TC
    > conversion rounding.
    > The main reason I switched is b/c Hi-Lo has
    > shuffle tracking and it gets to the long
    > term faster then KO(you reach N0 faster).

    > Good luck with your training!

    > -MJ

  4. #4

    MJ: Re: Question for...MJ actually.

    > Plus, I wasn't aware of the differce in N0,
    > numbers, is Hi-Lo significantly better?

    I believe so...if you go to and compare KO to Hi-Lo for shoe games you will see a difference around 6,000 hands to reach N0.


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