> Lets say the dealer doesnt give you a chance
> to buy insurance and has BJ. Now would he
> have to pay the ENTIRE table even money on
> all their bets? They would have lost anyway
> assuming they didnt have a natural...so I
> guess the net result would be no money
> exchanging hands?

> -MJ

No. You bet $50. You get a 20, dealer gets an A. Dealer doesn't ask you for insurance and flips over the 10. You say "wait, I wanted insurance." There is a discussion with the pit. Either the entire round is voided, or they have to give you or everyone insurance option (which all would now take since the 21 is showing), you lose nothing. Otherwise you would have lost your $50. Rest of the table probably would "push" as well but who cares..

This has happened to me more than once, but _very_ infrequently. It's only important when the dealer flips over the 10 of course.