To me shuffle tracking and ace prediction walk a very thin line and can lead to a risky adventure,therefore I hold true to my card couting sytem and trust the math because where I'm from most casino conditions today are not made for shuffle tracking. Those that plan on trying to predict aces may never know what the odds are because the variables are endless,however if an author writes a book on ace prediction and claims if you do what he has told you under the conditions he says, then I certainly would want to know if approximate EV the author states for those conditions are correct. Much riff-raff and confusion could be saved and trust gained if the author(s)immediately come forward to clairify(or acknowledge) their mistake(s} and take action to correct them or at least make a formal post to those inquiring about buying the book but are completely confused due to all the internet riff-raff. The only thing I( or most of us card counters?) care about is MATH and EXPECTATION, nothing else matters.