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Thread: Spikey: 7 hand table of Blackjack question..

  1. #1

    Spikey: 7 hand table of Blackjack question..

    Why is it that all blackjack tables through-out the world have this rule in common,, when you want to play a hand on each of the 7 spots on table if they are available, you have to play the maximum bet on each hand. We all know that if you want to play 2 or 3 spots on the table, you must bet equal amounts on each hand. But if you wish to aquire more than 3 spots if available on a table you can only do so by acuiring all seven spots, and by playing all seven spots, u have to bet the maximum bet allowed for that table on all seven hands. My question is why is that???why maximum bet on all seven hands but not the case if u play only 2 or 3 spots on the table?

  2. #2
    Norm Wattenberger

    Norm Wattenberger: Which world is this:)

    Sorry, but none of what you said is universal, or even common.

    As for increasing the bet size required when playing multiple hands - I always thought this was to keep annoying players from betting three minimum bets slowing down the game for other players. There is nothing worse than sitting at a table where a slow player plays multiple hands. And the casino would look at it as a player renting more space at a low price.

  3. #3

    Parker: Re: 7 hand table of Blackjack question..

    > Why is it that all blackjack tables
    > through-out the world have this rule in
    > common,, when you want to play a hand on
    > each of the 7 spots on table if they are
    > available, you have to play the maximum bet
    > on each hand. We all know that if you want
    > to play 2 or 3 spots on the table, you must
    > bet equal amounts on each hand. But if you
    > wish to aquire more than 3 spots if
    > available on a table you can only do so by
    > acuiring all seven spots, and by playing all
    > seven spots, u have to bet the maximum bet
    > allowed for that table on all seven hands.
    > My question is why is that???why maximum bet
    > on all seven hands but not the case if u
    > play only 2 or 3 spots on the table?

    Simple - they don't.

    At many casinos, the tables don't even have seven spots!

    To be honest, I have never heard of this rule.

    Admittedly, I rarely play all 7 spots at a table.

    Actually, I never do. There is really no advantage, at least from a card counter's perspective, to be gained by playing more than 2 or 3 spots.

    If I ran a casino (highly unlikely) and someone wanted to play all 7 spots at a table, I'd figure that they must be up to something.

    Maybe the casinos do, too.

  4. #4

    Ouchez: Team played called for in this situation. *NM*

  5. #5
    Hip Hop

    Hip Hop: Re: 7 hand table of Blackjack question..

    In Ontario there used to be travelling charity casinos that were restricted to a ten dollar max bet. Table limits would be $1 to $10 or $3 to $10 and the high roller table would be, you guessed it, $10 to $10. To get around such limits the 'whales' would often play all seven spots on a table. I do believe the rule here was that you had to play all hands at the table max if you were playing seven. Other than this one case I have never heard of this rule elsewhere.

    Hip Hop

  6. #6

    Shark: Re: 7 hand table of Blackjack question..

    Sorry for the mess. I had to correct my post twice.

    Casinos don't figure that someone betting on seven spots is up to something. My bet scheme calls for playing seven hands at certain counts. In 150 hours play at five casinos, I was barred only once. It happened in a store where I had large cummulative winnings(I don't rat hole while playing head on).

    But I wouldn't play in a casino where Parker is head of game protection.Shark

    > Simple - they don't.

    > At many casinos, the tables don't even have
    > seven spots!

    > To be honest, I have never heard of this
    > rule.

    > Admittedly, I rarely play all 7 spots at a
    > table.

    > Actually, I never do. There is really no
    > advantage, at least from a card counter's
    > perspective, to be gained by playing more
    > than 2 or 3 spots.

    > If I ran a casino (highly unlikely) and
    > someone wanted to play all 7 spots at a
    > table, I'd figure that they must be up to
    > something.

    > Maybe the casinos do, too.


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